Brackets text editor live preview not avaailable
Brackets text editor live preview not avaailable

It will be interesting to see what’s produced there are clearly many possibilities for it. It looks like third-party extensions will provide additional contexts for Quick Edit, like the regular expression editor described later in the article. Again, it’s best illustrated with a screenshot: While unlikely to be used nearly as often as the CSS rule or color editor, the bezier curve editor is a hugely impressive little feature. Also, the same keyboard shortcut ( Ctrl / Command + E) gives you a pretty sophisticated color selector / converter, as illustrated below. Hovering over a color in a CSS declaration shows a small swatch of that color.

brackets text editor live preview not avaailable

This is probably best illustrated with the following screenshot. When you’re editing HTML, if you click a tag with a corresponding CSS declaration situated in a linked file and hit Ctrl / Command + E, an inline editor appears allowing you to quickly edit that rule.

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The Quick Edit feature is context-specific. If you’re editing a CSS file used by the currently visible page, highlighting rules causes the preview to highlight elements which are affected by them. If you make a change to a linked CSS file which impacts the current page, that too gets reflected immediately in the browser. It doesn’t just work with HTML files, either. It’s a truly great feature, particularly if you have a splt-screen setup. It’s essentially Chrome’s Web Inspector, but with all the benefits of a self-contained editor.


The Live Preview feature launches a new Chrome window showing the current page that not only doesn’t require a manual refresh when you change a file, but also as you type. Let’s look at some of the key features of Brackets.

brackets text editor live preview not avaailable

Many third-party extensions create their own icons and place them in this bar, so it can quickly become an invaluable launchpad. The right-hand column contains icons for opening Live Preview (which we’ll look at shortly) and for the Extension Manager. A double-click opens the file for editing, adding it to the working files list. It’s like Sublime in that you can view a file with one click without actually opening it. The left-hand column lists the working files, and beneath that is a folder view. When you open Brackets for the first time, you’re thrown straight into an HTML-based tutorial file with accompanying CSS, which is a great way to start exploring.

Brackets text editor live preview not avaailable